Feeling stressed? And dont know WHY?


Generic Stress Test

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or nervous.

Relationship Stress Test

Relationship conflict and stress have been shown to have a clear negative impact on health affecting blood pressure contributing to heart diseases and correlating with other conditions.

Academic Stress Test

Academic Stress is a mental distress with respect to some anticipated frustration associated with academic failure or even unawareness to the possibility of such failure.

Financial Stress Test

Feelings of Financial stress often stem from common issues such as carrying too much det, not earning enough money, and being unemployed.

Social Media Stress Test

Among the common negative effects of social media use are stress,anxiety, depression, addiction, cyberbullying, hacking, scams, cheating and even death.

Extra-Curricular Stress

This stress arises where work demands of various types and combinations exceed the person's capability and capacity to cope up with various situations.


We as VITians are glad to help you to relieve your stress. We are working out best to give you the best experience to release your stress.

Our Mission

In this modern era, with our busy schedules we aren't able to focus much on our mental and physical health. But don't worry, we are here to help you out with all your problems. Here, we provide you with stress buster activities.

Our Plan

Based on your responses for our stress tests, we provide you with specific activities to relieve your stress. These activies include listening to calm music and motivational videos.

Our Vision

To reduce stress in life of our fellow beings.


On a scale of one to 5, with 5 being the worst, answer the following question:

How tired do you feel waking up each morning ?

How often do you experience any of the following symptoms: headaches, chest pain, muscle tension, or nausea?

How often do you experience fatigue and/or struggle to fall or stay asleep?

How often do you get irritated by small mishaps ?

How often do you wish to run away ?

How often do you worry excessively about your responsibilities?

How often do you struggle to focus on tasks or stay motivated?

How often do you feel that even though you have friends to talk to, but you still feel lonely ?

How often do you regret the choices you have made ?

How often do you blame others ?

How often do you overthink and waste the entire day with only one though clinging on your mind ?

How much irritated do you feel after a fully packed day with a lot of workload ?

How often do you experience irritability, sadness, or anger?

How often do you have little appetite or find that you are overeating?

How often do you feel that you had overreacted to a particular situation?

RESULT? click on submit.


Thinking to talk to someone and want to share your thoughts.



Motivational Video

To rejuvenate your soul
Recomended for stress score : 0-40

Calm Music

To Relax your neurons to the core !
Recomended for stress score: 40-65

Professional Counselling

For those, who just need a little bit of external push , to make it big in their lives!
Recomended for stress score :65-75!





Vellore Institute Of Technology, Vellore

Phone Number



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Feeling stressed? And dont know WHY?


Generic Stress Test

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or nervous.

Relationship Stress Test

Relationship conflict and stress have been shown to have a clear negative impact on health affecting blood pressure contributing to heart diseases and correlating with other conditions.

Academic Stress Test

Academic Stress is a mental distress with respect to some anticipated frustration associated with academic failure or even unawareness to the possibility of such failure.

Financial Stress Test

Feelings of Financial stress often stem from common issues such as carrying too much det, not earning enough money, and being unemployed.

Social Media Stress Test

Among the common negative effects of social media use are stress,anxiety, depression, addiction, cyberbullying, hacking, scams, cheating and even death.

Extra-Curricular Stress

This stress arises where work demands of various types and combinations exceed the person's capability and capacity to cope up with various situations.


We as VITians are glad to help you to relieve your stress. We are working out best to give you the best experience to release your stress.

Our Mission

In this modern era, with our busy schedules we aren't able to focus much on our mental and physical health. But don't worry, we are here to help you out with all your problems. Here, we provide you with stress buster activities.

Our Plan

Based on your responses for our stress tests, we provide you with specific activities to relieve your stress. These activies include listening to calm music and motivational videos.

Our Vision

To reduce stress in life of our fellow beings.


On a scale of one to 5, with 5 being the worst, answer the following question:

1) How tired do you feel waking up each morning ?

2) How often do you experience any of the following symptoms: headaches, chest pain, muscle tension, or nausea?

3) How often do you experience fatigue and/or struggle to fall or stay asleep?

4) How often do you get irritated by small mishaps ?

5) How often do you wish to run away ?

6) How often do you worry excessively about your responsibilities?

7) How often do you struggle to focus on tasks or stay motivated?

8) How often do you feel that even though you have friends to talk to, but you still feel lonely ?

9) How often do you regret the choices you have made ?

10) How often do you blame others ?

11) How often do you overthink and waste the entire day with only one though clinging on your mind ?

12) How much irritated do you feel after a fully packed day with a lot of workload ?

13) How often do you experience irritability, sadness, or anger?

14) How often do you have little appetite or find that you are overeating?

15) How often do you feel that you had overreacted to a particular situation?

RESULT? click on submit.


Thinking to talk to someone and want to share your thoughts.



Motivational Video

To rejuvenate your soul
Recomended for stress score : 0-40

Calm Music

To Relax your neurons to the core !
Recomended for stress score: 40-65

Professional Counselling

For those, who just need a little bit of external push , to make it big in their lives!
Recomended for stress score :65-75!





Vellore Institute Of Technology, Vellore

Phone Number



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